The Chase Podcast

Financial Planning & the Pursuit of God (Part 2) [EP. 18]

Written by Chris McAlpin | Jul 1, 2021 12:50:00 PM

In the latest episode of The Chase hosted by Chris McAlpin, the discussion revolves around the profound impact of our financial decisions on our day-to-day lives. The episode delves deep into the essence of financial planning, emphasizing the importance of being both ambitious and content. The conversation highlights the significance of guarding our money the same way we protect our hearts, being diligent and intentional with our financial allocations.

The episode underscores that money should never be a partner; it's a servant or a master. It can work for you, or you can work for it. The hosts stress that money is merely a tool, and if we keep score with it, it becomes our master. They share insights from their experiences, noting that regardless of their income, people can live paycheck to paycheck if they overspend and become enslaved to the materialistic trinkets they buy.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Money is either your servant or your master; it never partners with you.
  2. Being both ambitious and content is a rare treasure that can be achieved with proper financial planning.
  3. Overspending and living beyond one's means can lead to financial enslavement, regardless of income level.
  4. It's essential to reflect on what our spending truly represents and whether it adds value to our lives or takes away from it.

For more insightful episodes on biblical finances and financial investing, tune into more episodes of "The Chase" by visiting the Chase playlist.

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