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How Do You Handle a Recession? (#43) Thumbnail

How Do You Handle a Recession? (#43)

Faith-Based Investing Financial Planning

How do you handle a recession? Does the Bible give us instructions that help us navigate hard economic times?

Yes! And the wisdom from this ancient book gives us a solid foundation from which to grow. Join Chris and Clint as they explore what a recession is and what you can do about it.

Read More Understanding Wealth Through God’s Blessings (#41/June Client Update) Thumbnail

Understanding Wealth Through God’s Blessings (#41/June Client Update)

Faith-Based Investing Monthly Client Updates

Does it feel like money rules your life? Does the need for more or fear of loss control all of your financial decisions? Does media chatter make you feel like you’ll never have enough? It’s important to overcome preconceived notions of wealth in order to have a full, clear understanding of what you have, what you need, and where God can lead you.

Read More Behavioral Finance Series: The Most Missed Topic in Financial Planning (#39) Thumbnail

Behavioral Finance Series: The Most Missed Topic in Financial Planning (#39)

What is most often overlooked in financial planning? When taking steps to secure your financial future, what aspects should you really be focused on? In this installment of the Behavioral Finance Series from The Chase, Chris McAlpin discusses the importance of recognizing our resources, opportunities, and relationships that we are blessed with to be successful.

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Actively Managing Risk with Biblically Responsible Investments (#42) Thumbnail

Actively Managing Risk with Biblically Responsible Investments (#42)

Faith-Based Investing Risk Management

All creation moves in a rhythm; should the markets move rhythmically too? Do they? Can you measure the ups and downs to help us make investment decisions? And does the Bible have anything to say about this topic? Join Chris and Clint to see how Trend Following investing answers these questions.

Read More Behavioral Finance Series: Making the Best of Bad Markets (#40) Thumbnail

Behavioral Finance Series: Making the Best of Bad Markets (#40)

What can you do when the markets are bad? How can you see past the chaos to make a successful financial plan? It’s only natural to be fearful of rough waters. On this episode of The Chase, Chris discusses ways to keep perspective and focus, and forge ahead to make it through tough times.

Read More Market Ups & Downs: Seeing Through the Turmoil With Clint Sorenson (#38) Thumbnail

Market Ups & Downs: Seeing Through the Turmoil With Clint Sorenson (#38)

Faith-Based Investing Financial Planning

Are you feeling the pressure of recent market unrest? Is the current state of the world causing you to be unsure about the future of your finances? On this episode of The Chase, Chris McAlpin and Clint Sorenson, CIO of WealthShield and Lead Investment Strategist for Sound Financial Strategies Group, talk through the ways financial advisors and portfolio managers can work together to help clients wade through periods of market volatility.

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Smart Investing For: Invest in Your Future By Focusing on The Present

Smart Investing For:  Invest in Your Future By Focusing on The Present

In the latest episode of The Chase hosted by Chris McAlpin, the focus is on the intricacies of financial markets, the economy, and the...

Behavioral Finance Series: Making the Best of Bad Markets [EP. 39]

Behavioral Finance Series: Making the Best of Bad Markets [EP. 39]

In this episode of The Chase titled "Making the Best of Bad Markets," host Chris McAlpin delves into the challenges of navigating turbulent...

Understanding Wealth Through God’s Blessings/June Client Update

Understanding Wealth Through God’s Blessings/June Client Update

In this episode of The Chase titled "Making the Best of Bad Markets," host Chris McAlpin delves into the challenges of navigating turbulent...

Behavioral Finance Series: The Most Missed Financial Planning Topic

Behavioral Finance Series: The Most Missed Financial Planning Topic

In this insightful episode of The Chase hosted by Chris McAlpin, the spotlight is on the often-overlooked aspects of financial planning. Chris...

Personal, Global & Trend Following Investing [EP. 26]

Personal, Global & Trend Following Investing [EP. 26]

In this enlightening episode of "The Chase," hosted by Chris McAlpin, the discussion delves deep into the intricacies of biblical finances and...

Your Essential Stock Trading Survival Guide [EP. 14]

Your Essential Stock Trading Survival Guide [EP. 14]

In this enlightening episode of The Chase hosted by Chris McAlpin, the focus shifts to the heart of ethical investing and the essence of...