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Estate Planning: Key Documents + Your Communication Plan

2 min read

Estate Planning: Key Documents + Your Communication Plan

Estate planning is something that comes with a lot of questions. One I hear often is, "Do I even have an estate to manage?" This can range from simple concerns to more complex issues like avoiding estate taxes.

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What Is Happening with the American Consumer in Our Economy?

4 min read

What Is Happening with the American Consumer in Our Economy?

What's going on with the consumer? Why does it matter? Why does it matter in the U.S. economy, but also why does it matter in the markets? These are...

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May Update: Trends in Economic Growth, Monetary Policy, + Inflation

5 min read

May Update: Trends in Economic Growth, Monetary Policy, + Inflation

In this month’s client presentation, we’re taking a look at the markets in general, as well as our investment framework — the framework by which we...

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Client Investment Accounts Update for April 2024

2 min read

Client Investment Accounts Update for April 2024

Recently, you may have seen a lot of activity in your investment accounts. As a result, you might understandably be wondering what is going on:

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Managing Investment Risk for Retirement + Financial Planning

3 min read

Managing Investment Risk for Retirement + Financial Planning

Editor’s Note: This month’s client presentation included a hands-on, interactive demonstration of a risk management tool we use with our clients...

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What is the U.S. Federal Reserve, and what do they do?

7 min read

What is the U.S. Federal Reserve, and what do they do?

Smart investors like you have undoubtedly heard of the Federal Reserve. You also probably know they possess incredible influence, with their interest...

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Client Update February 2024

1 min read

How do you make your investment decisions? | Client Update February 2024

This is the precise question we answered earlier this week, during our monthly client presentation. During this conversation, our lead investment...

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January 2024 - Client Updates

4 min read

New financial education series and income planning for 2024

Happy New Year! One of our resolutions, if you will, for this year is to take a moment to stop and celebrate the wins in our lives. To be honest,...

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Looking Beyond the Headlines to 2024 with our Investment Framework

6 min read

Looking Beyond the Headlines to 2024 with our Investment Framework

Risk is both a feature and a bug of investing. That means the most critical way you can empower yourself to make smarter financial decisions (and...

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Why aren’t we making more money in the stock market?

5 min read

Why aren’t we making more money in the stock market?

Why aren’t we making more money? “Why am I not making more money, and how can we fix that?” Over the past couple of months, this is the question I’ve...

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