May Update: Trends in Economic Growth, Monetary Policy, + Inflation
In this month’s client presentation, we’re taking a look at the markets in general, as well as our investment framework — the framework by which we...
1 min read
Chris McAlpin
Feb 19, 2024 3:10:19 PM
This is the precise question we answered earlier this week, during our monthly client presentation. During this conversation, our lead investment strategist, Clint Sorenson, shared our structured Investment Framework — a set of defined rules and fact-based decision-making processes we follow to make portfolio decisions. Clint is the author of this four-part framework, and we've studied it, tested it, and refined it over the years.
As a result, we've become fluent in this framework, and it is simple and straightforward to us. However, we know it may seem like Greek to those who do not have the same familiarity with it.
I mean, c'mon now! How many people talk about "mean reversion" on a daily basis? Total nerdom, folks!
To help you begin your own path toward fluency in the Sound FSG and WealthShield Investment Framework, here are the Cliff's Notes of the four steps in our process:
In this month’s client presentation, we’re taking a look at the markets in general, as well as our investment framework — the framework by which we...
Risk is both a feature and a bug of investing. That means the most critical way you can empower yourself to make smarter financial decisions (and...
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As we enter 2025, the economic landscape continues to evolve, shaped by three powerful and interlocking megatrends: Deglobalization, Decentralization...
In our recent client update, Clint Sorensen and I shared some key trends and critical insights on the current market landscape. This discussion was...